We call for two types of submissions:
(Questions? Ask us…)
Full Papers
We are calling for original contributions that are targeted towards bio-image computing tasks. Bio-image computing tasks include, but are not limited to: (microscopic) image reconstruction, (multi-view) deconvolution, denoising, segmentation, registration, tracking, classification, and efficient methods for very large data. We are looking for papers describing either (1) methodological advances that apply to bio images, or (2) innovative approaches that outperform state of the art on challenging bio tasks. All accepted papers will be presented as posters at the workshop.
- CVPR main conference format. (Please follow the guidelines of the main venue!)
- Submissions that do not follow the double-blind policy will not be reviewed.
- Submissions that extend the page limit (8 pages) will not be reviewed.
- All accepted full papers will be included in Proceedings of CVPR 2015 and made available on IEEE eXplore.
Please submit your paper here: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/BIC2015/
Extended abstracts (1-2 pages)
Showcase a challenging bio-image computing task for which you would like to see better (semi-) automated analysis methods, or get to know suitable methods from the computer vision community. If your application is accepted for presentation at BIC 2015, we encourage you to make (representative parts of) your data (as well as ground truth) available to the community. All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters at the workshop.
- Double-blind policy
- Abstracts will not be included in Proceedings of CVPR 2015
Please submit your paper here: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/BIC2015/
Note: by submitting a two-page PDF we understand that you intend to publish an extended abstract only.
Best Paper Awards
Best Paper and Best Abstract awards will be given by the workshop organization. We are currently negotiating with various companies for additional funding to be able to spice up the award with some pocket money for our winners!
Reviewing Committee
- Bjoern Andres, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
- Albert Cardona, Janelia Farm (HHMI), USA
- Boris Flach, Czech Technical University
- Jan Funke, Institute of Neuroinformatics, Switzerland
- Jan Huisken, Max-Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany
- Stefan Preibisch, Albert Einstein Collage of Medicine, USA
- Ivo Sbalzarini, Max-Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany
- Chong Zhang, University Pompeu Farba, Barcelona
Request to join sent to: Daniel Cremers, Nassir Navab, Michael Unser